Flies of Ian Bennet

Ian is a friend, a fisher of Faksnes and a major supplier of salmon flies at the Middle Tweed River of the Scottish Borders. However, we have adopted some of his patterns for Surna and are sure that they will work well at other Norwegian Rivers aswell. Especially I like his Black & Yellow tube, to the left in Picture 2, but there are more. Perhaps you want his style or a special pattern, just get in touch with him.

His email address is boatspool@hotmail.co.uk

Here are some pictures of his work. We will continue to post pictures as we get them.


Picture 1. Typical flies.


Picture 2. My favoriets to the left, the Black & Yellow tube. Must confess that they are as good as mine in the Surna River.


Picture 3. A pattern that should be good at the westland rivers of Norway. Very alike Autumn Leaf that was created at 'LillGaula'.


Picture 4. Dry flies.


Picture 5. A pattern for the more coloured river, I believe.


Picture 6. In the process.


Picture 7.  Ian at work.



Picture 8. The newest style.


Picture 9. Black & Yellows.


Picture 11. Tube Flies.


Picture 12. A white tube.


Pictire 13. For the colored river.


Picture 14. Copper tubes.


Picture 15. Colorful Doubles.



Picture 16.   What?


Picture 17. Whites


Picture 18. Black and Yellows or Monkeys.


Picture 19.  Purple.